React to your customer's needs

A Case Study on the development of a fintech React Native mobile debit card application

Introduction/The Client

PPRO, e-payment specialist with over 1 mln. customers needed a partner to recreate an app in React Native.
The fintech company turned to K&C thanks to our particular expertise in developing various banking applications and our 20 years+ experience in web and mobile development.
We were tasked with reproducing their VIABUY app’s functions as a cross-platform application.

Project Overview

The Challenge

To reproduce the functionalities of VIABUY’s existing web service in a cross-platform application.

Mobile users had to be able to easily check their account balances, look through a list of transactions, add a new card, and several other functionalities, all while enjoying a smooth user experience.

The Solution

As the requirements and specs provided by ViaBuy were clearly defined we proposed implementation with fixed price.


Using React Native we could provide an optimal User Experience across all of the main mobile OS options

Feature Rich

Account creation, loading money, transactions history, card loading, card activation and more


Extension of the React Native framework with customized native elements like fingerprint authentication.

The Result

K&C delivered the app project on a fixed price contract basis within time and scope. The ViaBuy app is available on App Store and Google Play Android.

With the Viabuy app the usage of debit cards with instant loading money is broadly extended. Our fixed price offer ensured that all features were delivered in budget and on time.

K&C (Krusche & Company GmbH)

St.-Pauls-Platz 9
80336 München

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