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Save Ideas – eine Fallstudie Zur Blockchain-Entwicklung
Save Ideas - IP Platform A blockchain technology case study. Get in Touch Built on Ethereum The Smart Contracts &...

Wie wir für Playtech ihr Dedicated Team aufbauten
From 0 to 120 experts A Liferay case study. How we ramped up Playtech's dedicated Liferay outsourcing team. Get in...

Hybrid-Cloud Für Eine Fehlertolerante Infrastruktur
Choose the right Cloud! A case study on Cloud needs analysis and the set-up of a Hybrid Cloud Get in...

ViaBuy Fintech Mobile App
React to your customer's needs A case study on the development of a fintech React Native mobile debit card application...

Plattform für den marktführenden internationalen Event-Organisator
Multinational Events Platform A case study on an enterprise platform with marketing automation / Big Data / AI Get in...
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