C# .Net developer salary ranges for Germany, UK, East Europe and the USA

How much more does a C# .Net developer cost or earn in different countries around the world based on experience and tech stack?

The mean average C# developer salary in the USA is, according to SalaryExpert data, $93,318 with an average cash bonus of $3611. SalaryExpert says the average .net developer salary in the USA is almost the same, at $93,323, although with a higher average bonus of $4116 per annum.

Glassdoor, meanwhile, only offers salary data for developers that combine both C# and .Net expertise. The platform bases its salary range estimates on the survey responses of developers with a particular job title or focus. There are presumably only enough respondents employed in roles that combine the use of the C# and .Net to provide a worthwhile data point.

Based on 27 developer survey responses, Glassdoor put the average salary for a C# .Net developer in the USA at a little over $84, 000. No additional cash compensation such as bonuses is reported.

Meanwhile, in the popular IT outsourcing destination of Ukraine, where a majority of senior software developers and IT specialists are employed by international, often West European, organisations, the average C#/.Net developer earns less than half that amount. Ukrainian jobs portal Djinni, the country’s largest, presents data that shows a developer with proficiency in both C# and .Net can expect to earn an average salary of $4000-$4500 per month. That adds up to $48,000-$54,000.

In Germany, West Europe’s largest economy and with one of its highest average incomes, the average C# .Net developer earns €73,500 (approx. $82,500).

Given the difference between average C# .Net developer salaries in developed, wealthy economies like the USA and Germany compared to Ukraine, it is no surprise the latter is such a popular IT outsourcing destination. That’s despite the fact developer salary levels in Ukraine are, after a year of particularly high IT sector wage inflation, higher than those in many other East European countries including Poland and Belarus.

Organisations employing developers in nearshore outsourcing locations including Ukraine also make additional savings on social security contributions and other employee-related taxes, which tend to be much lower than in the most developed economies. And the developers themselves take home a much larger percentage of their gross salaries because income tax and other charges deducted at source are usually significantly lower.

In this post, we’ll provide a snapshot of the key information from the best publically available data points on C# .Net developer salary ranges across several major international markets:

  • Germany
  • United Kingdom
  • East Europe – Poland, Ukraine & Belarus
  • United States

Whether you are the prospective employer of one or more C# .Net developers, or a C# .Net developer and you want to benchmark your salary, this will be a great starting point. You might also be interested in our blog on international front end developer salary ranges.

Why are C# .Net developer salary ranges so broad?

Before we get into the data, let’s first quickly address the question of why C# .Net developer salary ranges can be very broad and open positions advertise remuneration levels that can differ by significant 5-figure sums.

C# and .Net, one a programming language and the other the framework on which it is built, have a wide range of possible applications in very different kinds of software. Some C# and .Net specialisations, experience and combinations of broader tech stack are more sought after or rarer than others. That can lead to significant variance in the salaries of two #C .Net developers, even if both might be regarded as senior.

Some of the factors that can most influence a C# .Net developer’s salary are:

  • Level of expertise
  • Kind of expertise
  • Years of experience
  • Broader tech stack – expertise in other programming languages and technologies
  • Location
  • Language skills eg. fluent English or German

C# and .Net are commonly used in many different categories of software but some of the most common are:

  • Web application development
  • Windows applications
  • Games

Let’s move onto the international salary range data for C# .Net developers:

C# .Net developer salary range in Germany

SalaryExpert data for C# and .Net developers based in Germany shows the following salary range:

Infographic of SalaryExpert data showing the salary range for C# developers in Germany

You will notice the data for developer positions headlined by both skills is the same. That’s because SalaryExpert’s search engine doesn’t allow for the combination of C# and .Net as a unified software developer profile. But we can consider that a bug in the system and we’ll look at only C# developer salary data on the platform from here on the understanding it also covers .Net expertise.

Infographic of SalaryExpert data showing the salary range for .Net developers in Germany

  • Junior #C .Net positions in Germany offer a salary range starting at €51,500
  • Mid-level #C .Net roles in Germany pay an average mean salary of €73,050
  • Senior developers with #C and .Net expertise can earn, on average (individual specialist roles may pay more) up to a little over €91,300.

Monthly salary for #C .Net developers in Germany

Monthly, the average #C .Net salary is circa. €6125, with junior roles starting from €4200 and seniors earning up to €7600+.

Glassdoor data for C# .Net developer salaries in Germany

Glassdoor data .Net developers based in Germany shows the following salary range:

Infographic of Glassdoor data showing the salary range for .Net developers in Germany

Glassdoor also shows data for combined C# .Net positions but the sample,  8 survey responses, is both too small to provide meaningful insight and anyway matches up to the other salary range data for the two closely related skills.

  • Junior #C .Net positions in Germany offer a salary range starting at €49,000
  • Mid-level #C .Net roles in Germany pay an average mean salary of €60,000-€62,000
  • Senior developers with #C and .Net expertise can earn, on average (individual specialist roles may pay more) up to around €80,000.

C# .Net developer salary range in the UK

SalaryExpert data for C# and .Net developers based in the UK shows the following salary range:

Infographic of SalaryExpert data showing the salary range for C# developers in the United Kingdom

Data served by the portal for .Net developer salaries in the UK is exactly the same.

  • Junior #C .Net positions in the United Kingdom offer a salary range starting at £37,500
  • Mid-level #C .Net roles in the United Kingdom pay an average mean salary of £53,000
  • Senior developers with #C and .Net expertise can earn, on average (individual specialist roles may pay more) up to around £65,600.

Monthly salary for #C .Net developers in the United Kingdom

Monthly, the average #C .Net salary in the UK is circa. £4415, with junior roles starting from £3125 and seniors earning up to £5500+.

Glassdoor data for C# .Net developer salaries in the UK

Glassdoor data for C# .Net developers based in the United Kingdom shows the following salary range:

Infographic of Glassdoor data showing the salary range for C# .Net developers in the UK

Despite the fact it says the data is based on 2730 salary survey responses from C#.net, the data says there are not enough responses to show a salary distribution range. Figures are also notably lower than those given by Salary Expert:

  • Junior #C .Net positions in the United Kingdom offer a salary range starting at £22,000
  • Mid-level #C .Net roles in the United Kingdom pay an average mean salary of £36,000
  • Senior developers with #C and .Net expertise can earn, on average (individual specialist roles may pay more) up to around £58,000+

Glassdoor also provides data specific to .Net developer salaries in the UK. Based on 604 developer salary surveys and much more closely aligned to the SalaryExpert data, it is a perhaps more accurate indicator.

Infographic of Glassdoor data showing the salary range for .Net developers in the United Kingdom

  • Junior .Net positions in the United Kingdom offer a salary range starting at £27,000
  • Mid-level .Net roles in the United Kingdom pay an average mean salary of £44,160
  • Senior developers with #C and .Net expertise can earn, on average (individual specialist roles may pay more) up to around £72,000+

What is the average C# .Net developer salary in East Europe?

East Europe is by far the most popular IT outsourcing location for organisations from high salary economies in West Europe. Lower salary rates, income tax and social security contributions (for both employer and employee) and general overhead costs like office space combine with geographical proximity which means time zones are aligned and travel convenient.

Several East European countries, like Poland, Bulgaria and Romania are also EU members which can be important for work involving personal data covered by GDPR regulations as well as easing cross-border accountancy.

It is important to note that 2021 has seen high salary inflation for software developers based in East Europe, with the pay gap narrowing compared to peers with comparable profiles but based in West Europe. It’s a trend that has influenced average C# .Net developer salary ranges in the region, as well pay rates for software developers with all in-demand tech stacks.

Historically, average developer and IT specialist salaries in East Europe (between professionals with the same tech stack and experience and geographical location the only major variable) were around 30%-50% of those in West Europe. The higher the level of seniority, the smaller the gap.

That is no longer the case and the change has happened quickly. A combination of a tight labour market, generally but with the IT sector among those most impacted, and the Covid-19 induced remote work trend meaning geographical location has become less important to employers, has narrowed the gap to more like 20% to 30% in salary cost savings. Sometimes less for highly skilled and experienced seniors.

If you’d like more accurate feedback on C# .Net developer rates with a particular profile and broader tech stack please do get in touch. Our HR department will be happy to give you some up-to-date insight into a quickly changing landscape for IT specialist salaries.

Of course, East Europe is not a single, homogenous market for software developers. Salary levels vary from country to country. So let’s take a closer look on a country-by-country level.

What is the average salary for C# .Net Developers in Ukraine?

Djinni data for C# .Net developers based in Ukraine shows the following salary range:

Infographic of Djinni data showing the salary range for C# .Net developers in Ukraine

  • Junior C# .Net positions in Ukraine offer a salary range starting at around $2000-$2500 a month or $24,000-$30,000 p.a.
  • Mid-level C# .Net roles in Ukraine pay an average salary of $4000-$5000 a month or $48,000 to $60,000 a year.
  • Senior #C and .Net roles in Ukraine offer an average salary range (individual specialist roles may pay more) of $5500 up to around $7000+ a month or $66,000 to $84,000 a year.

It’s very clearly a developer’s market in Ukraine, something we can back up with our own recent experience recruiting in the country. Of the 1706 job listings for C# .Net developers in Ukraine each has received an average of 2 applications. However, the 1067 C# .Net developers with profiles on the jobs portal have received an average of 16.8 proposals from employers or recruiters.

What is the average C# .Net developer salary in Poland?

Data from K&C’s internal recruitment department (good public sources from major jobs listings sites are unavailable) puts the average salary in Poland for developers with C# .Net at currently around 10% lower than in Ukraine. And salaries are standardly denominated in euros not dollars. That equates to average ranges of:

  • Junior C# .Net positions in Ukraine offer a salary range starting at around €1600-€2000 a month or €19,200-€24,000 p.a.
  • Mid-level C# .Net roles in Poland pay an average salary of €3200-€4000 a month or €38,400 to €48,000 € a year.
  • Senior #C and .Net roles in Poland offer an average salary range (individual specialist roles may pay more) of €4400 up to around €5600+ a month or €52,800 to €67,200 a year.

What is the average C# .Net developer salary in Belarus?

Data from K&C’s internal recruitment department (good public sources from major jobs listings sites are unavailable) puts the average C# .Net developer salary in Belarus at currently around 20% lower than in Ukraine. That equates to an average monthly salary ranges for developers in Belarus of:

  • Junior C# .Net positions in Belarus offer a salary range starting at around €1425-€1800 a month or €17,100-€21,600 p.a.
  • Mid-level C# .Net roles in Belarus pay an average salary of €2850-€3600 a month or €34,200 to €43,200 a year.
  • Senior #C and .Net roles in Belarus offer an average salary range (individual specialist roles may pay more) of €3900 up to around €5100+ a month or €46,800 to €61,200+ a year.

What is the average C# .NET developer salary in the USA?

SalaryExpert data for C# and .Net developers based in the USA shows the following salary range:

Infographic of SalaryExpert data showing the salary range for C# developers in the USA

There is also a separate data reading for .Net but it is again practically the same numbers so consider the figures shown in the graphic as covering C# .Net as combined.

  • Junior C# .Net positions in the USA offer a salary range starting at $66,000
  • Mid-level .Net roles in the USA pay an average mean salary of $93,300
  • Senior developers with #C and .Net expertise can earn, on average (individual specialist roles may pay more) up to around $115,000+

Glassdoor data for C# .Net developer salaries in the USA

Glassdoor data for C# .Net developers based in the USA, based on 27 reported salaries, shows a slightly lower starting and average salary figure but a higher top end of the range compared to the SalaryExpert data:

Infographic of GlassDoor data showing the salary range for C# .Net developers in the USA

  • Junior C# .Net positions in the USA offer a salary range starting at $56,000
  • Mid-level C# .Net roles in the USA pay an average mean salary of $84, 000
  • Senior developers with #C and .Net expertise can earn, on average (individual specialist roles may pay more) up to around $126,000+

Glassdoor data specific to .Net developer salaries is, based on 2453 reported salaries, probably gives a more accurate picture and is closer to the SalaryExpert data.

Infographic of Glassdoor data showing the salary range for .Net developers in the USA

  • Junior .Net positions in the USA offer a salary range starting at $62,000
  • Mid-level .Net roles in the USA pay an average mean salary of $89,000
  • Senior developers with #C and .Net expertise can earn, on average (individual specialist roles may pay more) up to around $127,000+

As a monthly salary, that works out as payment starting at around $5150 for junior roles, an average of around $7500, and up to $10,600 per month at the top end of the range.

Most popular skills and qualifications for C# .Net developers

C# .Net software developer salary levels are of course highly dependent on tech stack and experience. SalaryExpert data shows the most in-demand additional skills/tech stack requested by job listings for C# .Net developers as:

  • ASP .Net – required by 79% of job postings
  • SQL – required by 67% of job postings
  • JQuery – required by 56% of job postings
  • Microsoft SQL Server – required by 56% of job postings

Indeed.com lists the most common qualifications and tech stack of C# .Net developers as:

  • NET
  • MVC
  • WCF
  • TFS
  • Visual Studio
  • Entity Framework
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • NET
  • Visual Basic
  • JavaScript

The portal also suggests C# .Net developers should learn the following skills to maximise the salary they can commend:

  • MCSD
  • MCP
  • MCTS
  • CompTIA Security+
  • MTA
  • IAT
  • Certified Scrum Master
  • IAT Level II
  • MCSA
  • GSEC
  • CompTIA Network+

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